Follow-up meeting with Shimamura Dai, Japan’s parliamentary vice-minister of health, labour and welfare to discuss how ITTO’s work could contribute to Japan’s pledge to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050


Japan's Parliamentary vice-minister of health, labour and welfare, Shimamura Dai (left), stands alongside ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru. Photo: ITTO

A follow-up meeting took place between ITTO Executive Director, Sheam Satkuru, and the parliamentary vice-minister of health, labour and welfare, Shimamura Dai on Thursday, 28 July. This meeting continued discussions on how ITTO’s work could contribute to Japan’s pledge to achieve net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050, which took place last year in December, when Mr. Shimamura visited ITTO headquarters and met with Officer-in-charge Steven Johnson.

Previous meeting details:
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