How to become an observer at Council sessions

Photo: Y. Kamijo/ITTO

Applications to attend sessions of the International Tropical Timber Council as an observer should be submitted before the deadline indicated for the respective session. Observer attendance forms are posted on the webpage for Council and Committee documents approximately two months before the session.

Applications to attend a Council session as an observer are subject to approval by the Council—which will normally happen on the first day of the session. New observers will need to provide additional information, as requested in the form for the admission of new observers.

Sample attendance forms can be found here

More information about (the admission of) observers of the Council can be found in the International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA), 2006, the Rules of Procedure and Decision 3(LI).

Observers have no voting rights. On invitation by the Council or its subsidiary bodies, they may make oral statements at Council sessions (and meetings of subsidiary bodies) or submit written statements (see Rules of Procedure).

The following rules apply:

  1. Observer organizations are responsible for the conduct of their representatives. Any behaviour by an individual inconsistent with these rules may have an impact on the participation of the individual and/or the organization they represent.
  2. No participant may harass or threaten another participant.
  3. Observers may not attend meetings that are open only to ITTO members.
  4. Observers must obtain permission from the ITTO Secretariat before displaying posters, documents and other materials at Council sessions. Prior permission is not required for the posting of notices for authorized events, provided they are posted only in designated locations.

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