Focus areas

A panoramic view of the Dja Forest Reserve in Cameroon. ITTO is an action-oriented organization promoting the sustainable management and conservation of tropical forests and the expansion and diversification of international trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed and legally harvested forests. Photo: A. Walmsley/TRAFFIC
ITTO is an action-oriented organization. It formulates policies relevant to its objectives and assists members to implement those policies through its thematic programmes and a portfolio of projects and other activities. Most projects and activities are implemented by national and local-level organizations, including government, civil society and the private sector. The secretariat supervises, monitors and evaluates the field programme under the direction of the International Tropical Timber Council.
The Organization has six major focus areas. Please click on the links below for more information.
Sustainable forest management
Managing and conserving tropical forests
Economics, statistics and markets
Improving the transparency of and expanding international markets for tropical timber
Sustainable forest industries
Developing efficient and value-adding tropical forest-based industries
Climate-change mitigation and adaptation
Addressing climate change
Capacity building
Raising the capacity of forest stakeholders to manage and benefit from their resources
- Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals