Manuals for projects under implementation

Guidelines for the selection and employment of consultants, procurements and payments of goods and services

This second edition of the set of guidelines has been prepared building upon the first edition published in June 1993; taking into account the experiences gained by Member Countries in these aspects of project work and to utilize project funds for more efficient and effective procurement of goods and services. It should be used in conjunction with other relevant procedures stipulated in the other revised ITTO manuals and guidelines and pertinent decisions of the Council related to the project cycle.

Published:  2009
Author:  ITTO
ID number:  GI-16
ISBN :  4-902045-50-8

Manual on standard operating procedures for the ITTO project cycle

This manual covers all the procedures involved in project work and guides the main implementers in the project cycle in performing their roles in the various phases of the project cycle. The Member Country, the Contact Point, the Executing Agency, the Clearing House, the Expert Panel for Technical Appraisal of Project Proposals, Consultants, Project Evaluators, Independent Auditors, the ITTO Secretariat, the ITTO Committees and the Council should adhere to the procedures and guidelines prescribed in the Manual to effectively operate a project from beginning to end.

Published:  2009
Author:  ITTO
ID number:  GI-15
ISBN :  4-902045-49-4

ITTO manual for project monitoring, review, reporting and evaluation

This third edition of the ITTO Manual for Project Monitoring, Review, Reporting and Evaluation was designed and prepared to guide both ITTO and ITTO Project implementing agencies in their routine monitoring functions relating to the assessment of Project progress during implementation, and in the evaluation work carried out for certain Projects for which an in depth assessment of validity, design appropriateness and impact is found necessary.

Published:  2009
Author:  ITTO
ID number:  GI-14
ISBN :  4-902045-48-6