Lectures at schools and universities in Japan

Activity list

ITTO delivers lecture to Americayama Garden Academy elementary school


As part of Yokohama City’s Lecture Delivery Programme, ITTO staff members Manako Hanawa and Maiko Suzuki gave presentations at Americayama Garden Academy elementary school on 15 August 2024. The presentations focused on the global importance of tropical forests and ITTO’s role in their sustainable management and conservation.


ITTO delivers lecture to Ushikubo elementary school


As part of Yokohama City’s Lecture Delivery Programme, ITTO staff members Hanawa Manako and Sakai Masako delivered presentations at Yokohama’s Ushikubo elementary school on 14 March 2024 to raise awareness about the global significance of tropical forests.


ITTO delivers presentation to YOKE’s interns


Six interns from several Yokohama universities, along with Ms Matsuda Chika from the Yokohama Association for Communications and Exchanges (YOKE), visited ITTO on 20 February 2024 to learn about the Organization and its work on sustainable forest management.


Tsukuba University students visit ITTO headquarters


Fourteen students from the Department of International Studies at Tsukuba University visited ITTO offices on 6 December 2023 to observe how international organizations such as ITTO operate.


ITTO delivers presentation at Soka University on sustainable forestry and Sustainable Development Goals


ITTO Communication and Outreach Officer Ramon Carrillo delivered a lecture on the role of sustainable tropical forest management in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at Soka University, in Hachioji, Tokyo, on 20 October 2023.


ITTO and City of Yokohama host summer class for students on tropical forests


ITTO and the City of Yokohama co-hosted the Kodomo Adventure College on 16 August 2023 at the International Organizations Center, Pacifico Yokohama. The event delivered lectures and learning exercises for fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade elementary school students aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and the importance of tropical forests in healthy and sustainable societies.


ITTO Executive Director presents a keynote on the role of Universities in realizing inclusiveness and resilience in a global society at Soka University in Tokyo


ITTO Executive Director, Sheam Satkuru, was the keynote speaker at the 2023 Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) International Conference held on 10 June 2023 at the Soka University in Tokyo, Japan. This hybrid event was attended by over 280 participants and Soka University’s Governing Council members.


ITTO officers give lecture to Yokohama high-school students on wood use in Japan


ITTO officers Jean Christophe Claudon, Kanako Ishii and Ramon Carrillo delivered a lecture on wood use in Japan to around 44 students at the Yokohama Science Frontier High School on 17 March 2023.


University students visit ITTO


International Christian University (ICU) students Ms Kono Mizuka and Ms Nitta Mizuki visited ITTO on 16 February 2023 to meet with current ITTO staff members and ICU alumni Simon Kawaguchi and Kanako Ishii, who spoke about ITTO’s work and their experiences in working for an international organization.


ITTO officer gives lecture on sustainable forestry and governance to JICA trainees


ITTO Projects Manager Tetra Yanuariadi delivered a virtual lecture on sustainable forest management (SFM) and governance in the tropics on 17 November 2022 as part of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s knowledge co-creation programme.


ITTO Executive Director speaks on Sustainable Development Goals at Soka University


ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru delivered a lecture on ITTO’s role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals to about 300 students (in person and online) at Soka University in Hachioji, Tokyo, on 2 December 2022


Talk on sustainable forestry at Mahasu Cram School


As part of Yokohama City’s lecture delivery programme, ITTO delivered a lecture to the Mahasu Cram School on 18 August 2022. The lecture highlighted the global importance of tropical forests, provided insights into the many essential goods and services delivered by tropical forests, and reflected on threats to forest ecosystems.


ITTO contributes to Soka University symposium on sustainable development


The “Value Creation X SDG” symposium hosted by Soka University on 4–18 June 2022 reflected on the theoretical and practical progress made towards sustainable development, as well as the concept’s limitations. The symposium, which comprised several themes, was part of Soka University’s 50th anniversary celebrations.


Lecture at Yokohama Science Frontier high school


ITTO officers gave an online lecture to students at the Yokohama Science Frontier High School on 23 March 2022. The lecture highlighted the importance of sustainable tropical forest management for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, illustrated by examples from the Organization’s field and policy work.


Symposium at Soka University on Africa and SDGs


ITTO Executive Director Dr Gerhard Dieterle was a panellist at the symposium, “Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, convened by Soka University in Yokohama on 1 September 2019. The symposium was a post-event of the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7), which was held on 28–30 August, also in Yokohama.
Dr Dieterle shared ITTO’s field experiences in opening up new development paths through the creation of legal and sustainable supply chains. Also at the symposium, students from Soka University presented the conclusions of group discussions on how young people could help create a future for Africa based on the SDGs.


Visitors from Yokohama Youth World Peace Program


On 22 August 2019 we received at ITTO the visit from two participants from Yokohama Youth World Peace Program. Ms Isohara an Narihara, both Yokohama Peace Messengers, were quite interested in learning more about sustainable forest management in the tropics.


Lecture at Shin-Eda Welfare Council


ITTO visited the Shin-Eda Welfare Council on 12 July 2019 to give a lecture on "The role of tropical forests in achieving SDGs" followed by a group discussion on the environment and how to best preserve nature. Teaching all members of society about the importance of tropical forests is critical to promoting the work done at ITTO.


Lecture at Yokohama Jogakuin Girls Highschool


It is so rewarding to be able to spread the word on sustainable development to future generations. We are extremely grateful to Yokohama Jogakuin High School and the City of Yokohama for the opportunity to deliver a lecture and interact with birlliant students on 22 May 2019.
