Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation
Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire
A joint initiative of ITTO/ UNECE/ FAO/ EUROSTAT to collect statistics on the world timber situation.
Biennial Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation
ITTO's Biennial Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation compiles the most up-to-date and reliable international statistics available on global production and trade of timber, with an emphasis on the tropics. It also provides information on trends in forest area, forest management and the economies of ITTO member countries. The document is based on information submitted by ITTO member countries through the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire, supplemented by other sources as necessary.
Until 2013, the Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation was published annually. Since the entry into force of the International Tropical Timber 2006 (ITTA, 2006), the Review has been published biennially (Article 28).
All the Reviews and their appendices are available for download immediately by clicking on the Zip links. Production and trade data from 1994 to present are also available from ITTO’s online statistics database.