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First Expert Workshop on Sustainable Management of afrormosia (pericopsis elata)
2-4 April 2008, Kribi, Cameroon

The action plans agreed by the workshop are under five thematic areas:

  1. Building capacity of exporting and importing countries on CITES implementation;
  2. Building capacity of exporting and importing countries to manage P. elata sustainably;
  3. Improving the ecological and silvicultural knowledge of P. elata;
  4. Promotion of support programmes for regeneration of P. elata;
  5. Governance and marketing issues relevant to P. elata

More details on teh ouputs expected under the action plan are contained in the final workshop declaration available for download below.

The workshop on afrormosia was an activity under a collaboravie ITTO-CITES program for building capacity to implement CITES listings requirements for tropical timber species.

Training Workshop on Verification of the CITES Permits Compliance and CITES Timber Identification Tool.
8-12 June 2009 / Kinshasa Gombe, Democratic Republic of Congo

In 2002, MOU was signed between the Forest Administration/CITES Management Authority and authority like the Congolese Control Office (OCC) and the Congolese Customs Office (OFIDA) at exit/entrance points, with the objective to regulate CITES-listed afrormosia trade.

This training workshop aimed to observe Kribi Action Plan and capacity building

the CITES MA and its auxiliary agencies in implementing CITES. The objectives of the workshop were:

  1. To inform participants on the CITES regulation and formulation of NDF reports.
  2. To train agencies on CITES permits verification.
  3. To train agencies on the use of existing CITES Timber Identification tool

2nd Africa Regional Workshop on the ITTO-CITES Program on Ensuring International Trade in CITES-listed Timber Species is Consistent with Their Sustainable Management and Conservation
29 September - 2 October 2010/ Limbe, Cameroon

The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Cameroon (ANAFOR), with the full support from the ITTO and CITES Secretariat, organized the second African regional workshop. The main objectives were to make a mid-term evaluation of activities in African range State, share results and experiences from the activities implemented, and to develop a new participatory Action Plan for 2011 - 2013. A total of 68 participants, including the ITTO and CITES Secretariat, attended the the workshop.

For Pericopsis elata activity implemented in Cameroon, Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), specific action plans were addressed per country. Key recommendations are:

For Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC):

  1. Promote the sustainable exploitation (management) of P. elata in forest concessions based on Cameroon and Congo experiences;
  2. Dress a fair Non-detriment findings (NDF) document based on Cameroon experience;
  3. Conduct research on biology, ecology of P. elata as far as research on physical and mechanic properties of its wood;
  4. To put in place a fait tracking system to better control and monitor logging, processing, transport and trade on P. elata products.

For the Republic of Congo

  1. The Regional Coordinator should closely assist Congo authorities in dressing the Pericopsis NDF report for the Tala Tala Forest Management Unit;
  2. To train and sensitize custom and forest officers on CITES requirements as useful tools to better ensure the control and monitoring of P. elata based on DRC experience.


  1. To implement the specific recommendations formulated in the NDF report;
  2. To implement specific recommendations contained in the document of the simple management plan of the Bidou forest plantation;
  3. To acquire adequate material for forest and custom agents to better ensure the collection and analysis of data on P. elata;
  4. To train and sensitize custom and forest officers on CITES requirements as useful tools to better ensure the control and monitoring of P. elata based on DRC experience.

At the regional scale

  1. To finalize the 2011 – 2013 action plan;
  2. To assist countries including Madagascar and others in identification of threatened species;
  3. To expand the program to other plant species and countries;
  4. To plan the third regional workshop by 2013 in another African country.

Prunus africana project implemented in Cameroon since July 2010:

  1. To finalize the Prunus inventory in the north west region by end-October 2010;
  2. To dress a Prunus NDF report for North west region of Cameroon by mid-November 2010;
  3.  To enforce capacities of CITES bodies in Cameroon as to ensure the control and monitoring of Prunus harvesting and trade in incoming months;
  4. To start Prunus inventories in the South west region, the mount Cameroon to be précised by mid – October 2010;
  5. To dress a progressive report on Prunus project including specific gaps and requirements (needs) on the budget.