Celebrating the International Day of Forests: Sustainable charcoal in Côte d’Ivoire


Women from the MALEBI women’s association carry firewood harvested in the Ahua gazetted forest, Côte d’Ivoire. MALEBI is implementing ITTO project PD 725/13 Rev.2 (F) to ensure the sustainability of its local charcoal business and restore the Ahua forest. Photo: MALEBI

A small grant from ITTO in 2009 provided the stimulus for a women’s association in Côte d’Ivoire to improve charcoal production using efficient, eco-friendly techniques, in the process increasing the standard of living in the local community and raising awareness of the importance of forest conservation. Now, the MALEBI women’s association is implementing a larger ITTO project to reforest and rehabilitate the nearby Ahua gazetted forest to ensure a continuous supply of wood for charcoal production.