Tropical Forest Update

Into the sunset?

Cover image

Photo: A. Compost

Most countries with significant forest resources have, at one time or another, heard their timber sector referred to as a ‘sunset’ industry. This is usually the case when other economic development options present themselves that can appear more dynamic and profitable than turning trees into boards. The rapid developments underway in the climate change negotiations and the coalescence of several new partnerships to provide funds to countries for averting deforestation (see TFU 17/2) have led some observers (and some tropical countries) to see carbon credits and related funds as a new dawn for the conservation and sustainable development of tropical forests. While there is unprecedented momentum (for which the World Bank and other partners, who recently announced a $300 million fund for averted deforestation, are to be congratulated), it is germane to consider the development of other ‘new dawns’ for tropical forestry that have been announced over the past couple of decades.


  • Monitoring mahogany

    An ITTO project studies mahogany distribution in Peru and factors affecting harvest quotas

    By Ignacio Lombardi and Patricia Huerta

  • Forest certification in Indonesia

    Photo: Tropical Forest Foundation

    Evaluation of an ITTO project finds room for improvement in the country’s ecolabelling scheme

    By Olav Bakken Jensen

  • Advances in teak cloning

    Photo: J. Gasana

    New developments in teak cloning lead to better plantation stock

    By Olivier Monteuuis and Henri-Félix Maître

  • Training in SFM

    Photo: V.H. Achá (ESFOR)

    Evaluation of four ITTO projects in Bolivia, Indonesia and Cameroon shows many trained but only moderate effectiveness

    By Ken Rodney

  • Measuring the impacts of illegal logging

    A new study shows strong economic incentives exist for legal producers of wood products to support measures to reduce illegal logging

    By James A. Turner, Frances Maplesden and Steve Johnson

  • Out on a limb

    The TFU goes out on a limb with Dr Manoel Sobral Filho, who completes his distinguished term as ITTO’s Executive Director in November 2007

  • Market trends

    Rain and currencies impact tropical timber prices during first half of 2007

    By Lauren Flejzor

  • Fellowship report

    Developing a tree breeding program for Cameroon

    By Gusua Roseline Caspa

  • On the conference circuit

    Reports on the Asia-Pacific Tropical Forest Investment Forum, and the DENR/FAO/ITTO Regional Workshop on Improving Forest Law Compliance and Governance in Southeast Asia

  • Recent editions

    New books and reports and short training courses for professionals in forestry and related disciplines

  • Meetings

    A comprehensive listing of coming conferences relevant to sustainable tropical forest management

Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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