Sustainable Development Goals

Main SDG introduction

World leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a historic UN conference in September 2015. The SDGs call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet, thereby recognizing that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies to build economic growth, address social needs, tackle climate change and ensure environmental sustainability.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the sustainable management of productive forests in the tropics, and a sustainable tropical timber trade, can help in meeting future wood demand and achieving the SDGs. ITTO is empowered to promote the expansion of international tropical timber trade from legal and sustainable sources. It is perfectly placed, therefore, to assist countries in their efforts towards all the SDGs, especially SDG 1 (“No poverty”), SDG 12 (“Responsible consumption and production”), SDG 13 (“Climate action”) and SDG 15 (“Life on land”). Some of the ways it is doing this are outlined below.

Select one or multiple SDGs below to see ITTO’s contributions towards achieving them.

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Photo: G. Sanchez-Vigil
Sustainable forest management can promote a healthy environment to support the wellbeing of people in urban and rural areas.

In its policy and field work, ITTO:
  • Encourages forest landscape restoration to provide ecosystem services that help support human health and wellbeing.
  • Helps local communities grow plantations of forest-based medicinal plants.
  • Helps empower women to build capacity and develop forest-based enterprises, thereby boosting health and nutrition outcomes for families.

Related ITTO contributions for the selected Sustainable Development Goal(s)
(9 results found)


ITTO and UNCCD unite for land restoration to mark world day against desertification and drought

No poverty Good health and well-being Gender equality Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
On World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, ITTO stands side-by-side with the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and all governments and stakeholders committed to restoring degraded landscapes and sustainably managing tropical forests as means for ensuring ecosystem health and the wellbeing of local people, communities and nations. More

ITTO highlights commitment to “Generation Restoration” on World Environment Day

Good health and well-being Gender equality Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
ITTO proudly joins the global community in celebrating World Environment Day, recognizing that this year’s theme, “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration”, both underscores the crucial need to restore land for a sustainable future and aligns perfectly with ITTO’s mission and ongoing work. More

ITTO to revise fire management guidelines, Executive Director tells Fire Hub meeting

Good health and well-being Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
ITTO is revising its guidelines on fire management in tropical forests to incorporate new knowledge and to respond to the increasing risk of tropical forest fire due to climate change and pressures from land-use change and encroachment, ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru told participants at a meeting at FAO headquarters this week. More

ITTO fire guidelines and projects featured at 8th International Wildland Fire Conference

Good health and well-being Climate action Life on land
Three ITTO projects on fire prevention and response, and the Organization’s guidelines on fire management in tropical forests, were the focus of a workshop held as part of the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference in Porto, Portugal, last week. The conference also adopted the Landscape Fire Governance Framework to promote collaboration on fire management. More

Forest health and human health closely linked, says ITTO Executive Director

No poverty Good health and well-being Gender equality Clean water and sanitation Responsible production and consumption Life on land
In a statement issued on the International Day of Forests, ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru says there is strong evidence for the close relationship between forests and human health and, therefore, sustainable forest management is essential for ensuring the mental and physical health of people. More

More outreach needed for uptake of forest landscape restoration in South America—webinar

No poverty Good health and well-being Climate action Life on land
Outreach and strategies for income diversification and monitoring are crucial for fostering landscape restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to participants at a recent webinar co-hosted by ITTO and the Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Education (CATIE). More

Workshop explores key elements of successful forest landscape restoration in Asia-Pacific

No poverty Good health and well-being Climate action Life on land
Creating sustainable livelihood opportunities and obtaining the buy-in of local people through inclusive approaches are key for successful forest landscape restoration, according to participants at a virtual workshop for the Asia-Pacific region co-convened by ITTO and the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO). More

Local livelihoods the key to forest landscape restoration in Central America and Mexico—webinar

No poverty Good health and well-being Climate action Life on land
Forest landscape restoration is a multifaceted endeavour that must improve local livelihoods to succeed, according to participants at webinar for Central America and Mexico co-hosted by ITTO and the Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Education (CATIE) in August 2021. More

Mexican women share traditional knowledge on medicinal plants

Good health and well-being Gender equality
Women in the municipality of Jamapa in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, published a manual on medicinal plants to help disseminate their traditional knowledge on non-timber forest products. The publication is an output of an ITTO project to assess the value of ecosystem services provided by coastal forests in Mexico. More