Sustainable Development Goals

Main SDG introduction

World leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a historic UN conference in September 2015. The SDGs call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet, thereby recognizing that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies to build economic growth, address social needs, tackle climate change and ensure environmental sustainability.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the sustainable management of productive forests in the tropics, and a sustainable tropical timber trade, can help in meeting future wood demand and achieving the SDGs. ITTO is empowered to promote the expansion of international tropical timber trade from legal and sustainable sources. It is perfectly placed, therefore, to assist countries in their efforts towards all the SDGs, especially SDG 1 (“No poverty”), SDG 12 (“Responsible consumption and production”), SDG 13 (“Climate action”) and SDG 15 (“Life on land”). Some of the ways it is doing this are outlined below.

Select one or multiple SDGs below to see ITTO’s contributions towards achieving them.

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Cordillera del Condor, Ecuador. Photo: Fundación Natura

Through its projects, ITTO is helping countries improve socioeconomic outcomes in tropical forests, where hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples and local communities live, often in extreme poverty. In its policy and field work, ITTO:

  • Supports efforts to develop economic opportunities for women, young people and other vulnerable groups.
  • Encourages community forestry, the development of locally based forest enterprises, local food security, and equitable benefit sharing.
  • Helps build capacity in rural communities to manage forests sustainably and add value to forest products, thereby increasing local employment and improving local livelihoods.
  • Promotes the economically viable restoration of degraded landscapes and the sustainable production of wood and wood-based energy.
  • Enables forest owners and local communities to earn export income from sustainably produced wood and non-wood products.

ITTO works closely with all stakeholders to develop sustainable supply chains, which, among other things, help ensure that forest communities and locally based enterprises capture more of the value of tropical timber production. Social safeguards and gender guidelines are in place to ensure the inclusion of women and vulnerable groups.

Related ITTO contributions for the selected Sustainable Development Goal(s)
(37 results found)


Global timber forum launches action framework for legal and sustainable timber supply chains

No poverty Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
The Global Legal and Sustainable Timber Forum (GLSTF) has launched the Action Framework for Promoting Legal and Sustainable Timber Supply Chains to strengthen international collaboration among stakeholders in timber supply chains, promote the sustainable development of the timber industry, and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and combating climate change. More

ITTO-supported drive for sustainable teak in focus at IUFRO congress

No poverty Responsible production and consumption Life on land Partnerships for the goals
ITTO officials and partners provided updates on trends and developments for sustainable teak during a session on day five of the 2024 World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), held in Stockholm, Sweden last week. More

ITTO video highlights community forestry success in the Amazon to mark International Day of the Tropics

No poverty Gender equality Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
A new video on community forestry in the Amazon highlights how sustainable forest management (SFM) underpins the livelihoods and aspirations of millions of people in tropical countries, as the world marks the International Day of the Tropics. More

ITTO and UNCCD unite for land restoration to mark world day against desertification and drought

No poverty Good health and well-being Gender equality Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
On World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, ITTO stands side-by-side with the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and all governments and stakeholders committed to restoring degraded landscapes and sustainably managing tropical forests as means for ensuring ecosystem health and the wellbeing of local people, communities and nations. More

Capacity building needed urgently in Africa to avoid detrimental impacts of timber trade measures

No poverty Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
ITTO has urged more attention to the need for capacity building and training in the Congo Basin to ensure that the region’s vital forest sector and timber industry will be able to meet the requirements of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and other international trade measures. More

ITTO backs call to “restore the planet” in support of Mother Earth

No poverty Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land
Forest landscape restoration is essential for ensuring that tropical forests can perform their crucial planetary roles, said ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru to mark International Mother Earth Day, which celebrates the concept of Mother Earth and the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet. More

ITTO and UN Convention to Combat Desertification strengthen cooperation on tropical forests

No poverty Decent work and economic growth Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
The overall objective of the new MOU is to support ITTO member countries and Country Parties to the UNCCD in restoring and maintaining tropical forest landscapes while promoting the sustainable production of timber and other products and ecosystem services. More

First steering committee meeting held for collaborative SFM projects in Sarawak’s Upper Baram forest

No poverty Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
The first meeting of the project steering committee (PSC) for two ITTO projects to promote collaborative forest management and community empowerment in the Upper Baram Forest Area (UBFA) in Sarawak, Malaysia, was held on 25 September 2023 in the Sarawak town of Miri. The two projects encompass an area of 283 500 hectares in the northeast of the state. More

More investment in green tourism needed to support sustainable tropical forest management

No poverty Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Life on land
Marking World Tourism Day, ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru has called for more investment in ecotourism in tropical forests as a means for increasing incomes for local people and thereby supporting conservation and sustainable forest management and use. More

Making the link between sustainable forest management and cleaner air

No poverty Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land
Tropical forests are known as nature’s purifiers, but the increasing incidence of forest wildfire and other stressors worldwide is putting this reputation at risk. In marking the International Day of Clean for Blue Skies, we highlight the importance of sustainable forest management in the tropics for maintaining clean air. More

International Biodiversity Day—ITTO project in Sumatran biosphere reserve contributes to Global Biodiversity Framework

No poverty Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
The first steering committee meeting has been held for an ITTO project designed to promote sustainable landscape management in the Giam Siak Kecil-Buit Batu Biosphere Reserve, a 705 000-ha conservation and sustainable use area on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The meeting took place ahead of International Biodiversity Day, being celebrated today. More

New video shows how communities are implementing sustainable forest management in the Amazon

No poverty Gender equality Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
A video released today shows how an ITTO project is helping communities in the Verde para Sempre Extractive Reserve implement sustainable forest management and thereby ensure the sustainability of the resource and the long-term viability of their forest enterprises. More

Newly launched projects in Sarawak’s Upper Baram will boost local livelihoods and conserve biodiversity

No poverty Climate action Life on land
ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru and Sarawak Forest Department Director Datu Hamden Bin Haji Mohammad signed agreements on 20 March 2023, to initiate two projects aimed at improving the management of the Upper Baram Forest Area as means for improving biodiversity conservation and enhancing local socioeconomic development. More

Forest health and human health closely linked, says ITTO Executive Director

No poverty Good health and well-being Gender equality Clean water and sanitation Responsible production and consumption Life on land
In a statement issued on the International Day of Forests, ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru says there is strong evidence for the close relationship between forests and human health and, therefore, sustainable forest management is essential for ensuring the mental and physical health of people. More

Women-to-women digital learning essential for sustainable forestry

No poverty Gender equality Industry, innovation and infrastructure Climate action Life on land
Celebrating International Women’s Day, ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru and ITTO Fellowship awardee and journalist Talía Lostaunau called for stronger commitments to include women in digital and technological advances, hence enabling creative solutions for an equitable future in facing environmental challenges, including by facilitating women-to-women learning. More

World Wetlands Day calls for restoration effort—ITTO committed to ongoing contribution

No poverty Climate action Life below water Life on land Partnerships for the goals
Wetlands, often called the “kidneys of the Earth”, are crucial in the fight against climate change, yet they are being degraded and lost at alarming rates. On World Wetlands Day, we highlight ITTO’s work to restore and upscale the sustainable use of tropical wetlands such as mangroves, swamps and marshes. More

New guidelines and videos launched on restoring mangroves in Fiji

No poverty Gender equality Climate action Life below water Life on land Partnerships for the goals
A guideline and three videos on mangrove rehabilitation and restoration in Fiji released today are the culmination of an ITTO project that has supported local communities and government in restoring mangroves and wetlands in the Rewa Delta, Fiji’s most important marine ecosystem. More

Celebrating World Tourism Day—the potential of ecotourism in tropical forests to assist pandemic recovery

No poverty Decent work and economic growth Climate action Life on land
With their stunning beauty, immense biodiversity and cultural importance, sustainably managed tropical forests have huge potential for low-impact locally based ecotourism. In celebration of World Tourism Day, we describe some of ITTO’s work to encourage ecotourism ventures in local communities. More

New policy brief launched on evaluation of ITTO projects in Africa

No poverty Zero hunger Quality education Gender equality Clean water and sanitation Decent work and economic growth Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals
An evaluation of ten ITTO projects in West and Central Africa established that the projects had “important positive impacts on forests, forest management and local communities” in the countries in which they were implemented, reports a policy brief published by ITTO this week. More

Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples—tropical forest custodians

No poverty Gender equality Responsible production and consumption Climate action Life on land
ITTO reiterates its commitment to fully recognizing and supporting the ownership, control, customary rights and role of local communities and Indigenous Peoples on forest land and resources. More