Promoting legal timber imports in Japan
Promoting legal timber imports in Japan
Date & venue: 8 March 2019, Tokyo, Japan
This seminar will report on the research undertaken in Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, Ecuador and Lao PDR for the Promotion of the Clean Wood Act, the Act on Promotion of Use and Distribution of Legally-harvested Wood and Wood Products.
The Japan Forestry Agency is developing the Clean Wood Navi website to provide information to wood-related business entities under the Clean Wood Act on laws and regulations applying to production and trade of timber in key exporting countries. ITTO has compiled relevant information for five tropical countries to be included in the Clean Wood Navi site. The research findings will be reported at this seminar
More details
DATE/TIME: Friday, 8 March 2019
13:00-13:30 (Registration), 13:30 (Opening) – 16:15 (Closing)
VENUE: TKP Toranomon Station Conference Center Hall 2A
2nd Floor NT Toranomon Building
1-4-3, Toranomon
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001
To learn more click here.
Naho Tamura
International Tropical
Timber Organization (ITTO)