CBD COP16: The Collaborative Partnership on Forests launched The Forest Factor


Cali, Colombia, 27 October 2024: As the global community unites this week at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) to advance the global biodiversity goals, the Forest and Water Day on October 25 spotlighted the critical importance of conserving, restoring, and sustainably managing our forests and water ecosystems. These efforts are essential for realizing and implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) and other global environmental and climate goals.

Announcing The Forest Factor  

Through the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is excited to support the release of a new publication led by the CBD: The Forest Factor: The Role of Protection, Restoration, and Sustainable Management of Forests for the Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

This analytical brief delves into the powerful connection between forest ecosystems and the KMGBF. It underscores how the sustainable management of forest biodiversity is essential for achieving KMGBF targets and addressing climate change, sustainable development, and global environmental health.

Key Highlights from The Forest Factor

  • Forest Biodiversity & KMGBF: Clear pathways for achieving KMGBF targets within five years, showcasing how forest conservation and sustainable management can drive progress across nearly all biodiversity goals.
  • Pathways for Action: Practical policy recommendations for governments, organizations, and businesses to align efforts with KMGBF objectives.
  • Economic & Environmental Value: Insights on the economic significance of forests and the high costs of biodiversity loss due to deforestation.
  • Climate & Biodiversity: The publication underscores forests' role in climate regulation, highlighting their contributions to carbon storage, water management, and ecosystem services that support freshwater and marine environments.

Read The Forest Factor and learn about actionable solutions for reversing deforestation, halting degradation, and improving forest ecosystem health.

The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) is a coalition of 16 international organizations committed to driving a global transition toward sustainable forestry. Together, CPF members are working to address the urgent need for forest protection and restoration.

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