Tropical Forest Update

Holding the ground on mangroves

Mangroves are among the Earth’s most productive ecosystems and they produce many goods and environmental services. When sustainably managed, they can support the livelihoods of millions of coastal people while storing globally significant quantities of carbon and reducing the vulnerability of coastal regions to storm surges and other threats.

The area of mangrove forests is decreasing in many tropical countries, however, due to poor management and increasing demand for coastal lands for development. A high priority for the global community, therefore, is arresting mangrove loss and restoring degraded mangrove ecosystems.


  • • Preferencing ecological mangrove restoration

    • The changing pressures on neotropical mangroves

    • Peru’s northern mangrove corridor

    • Managing Madagascar’s mangroves

    • Mangrove restoration in Mexico

    • Cameroon’s mangrove women

    • Market trends

    • Bali Call to Action for Sustainable Mangrove Ecosystems

Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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