Tropical Forest Update

Flying under the radar?

Throughout the tropics, the wood sector provides hundreds of thousandsof people with jobs, including in artisanal operations that can go unnoticed in official statistics but which are crucial employers in rural areas. In this edition of the Tropical Forest Update, Paolo Cerutti and co-authors (page 3) report that artisanal chainsaw millers in Côte d’Ivoire—mostly young people seeking to become financially independent—produce at least one-quarter of the country’s domestic wood supply and probably much more; there is also substantial cross-border trade with neighbouring countries.


  • • Sub-Saharan Africa’s invisible timber markets

    • Fair progress towards fair trade

    • Restocking nature’s medicine cabinet

    • Conserving teak for future generations

    • Boosting wood processing in Guyana

    • Fellowship report

    • Market trends

    • Tropical and topical

    • Recent editions

    • Meetings
Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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Latest editions

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