Tropical Forest Update

Paying our dues

People are accustomed to benefiting from tropical forest environmental services for free or at minimal cost. We use the clean water tropical forests deliver, take for granted their function in absorbing and storing carbon, and exploit their biodiversity in agriculture, the pharmaceuticals industry and forestry.
The time has come, however, for the world to start paying for these environmental services-or face the consequences of losing them. An underlying cause of tropical forest loss is that agriculture out-competes forest as a land use, and, as a result, tropical forests continue to be cleared or degraded. On the other hand, demand for tropical forest environmental services is increasing: expanding cities need more drinkable water, biodiversity is increasingly seen as an essential resource for ecotourism, science and agriculture, and climate change due to rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases looms as a global calamity, which can partly be mitigated by maintaining healthy tropical forests.


Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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Latest editions

Issue 33 No. 1

Science and technology: anchoring the drive for sustainable timber

Applying good science and technologies can help maintain social and political support for sustainable developme...

Issue 32 No. 3/4

Strengthening tropical timber supply chains

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Issue 32 No. 2

Tropical forests: relief for a scorched Earth

As global temperatures soar and unprecedented heatwaves and wildfires hit countries around the world, ITTO is urg...

Issue 32 No. 1

Many issues, one solution: tropical forests

The latest Tropical Forest Update reports on how, at key UN conferences in 2022, ITTO emphasized the crucial role of ...


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