Tropical Forest Update

Keeping Track

Foresters and forest planners have always needed to know the location of timber resources, including for planning forest management and harvesting operations, for monitoring wood flows to mills and ports, and for marketing of forest products.


  • Electronic timber traceability

    Micha Torres An ITTO project has piloted a technique to verify the legal origin of Peruvian timber
  • Tracking Cameroon’s FLEGT timber

    by Kadiri Serge Bobo, Rodrigue Fapa Nanfack, Thérèse Moulende, Nadège Nzoyem Saha and Albert Bokkestijn
  • Private forest management in Indonesia

    by Don Gilmour, Baharuddin Ghazalli and Subarudi ITTO projects show clear land tenure and a culture of tree use are essential to success
  • Portable sawmills and SFM in the Amazon

    An ITTO project’s innovative financing mechanism had a major impact on the uptake of new technologies
  • SFM in the Iwokrama Forest

    by Ken Rodney Implementing a sustainable timber-harvesting regime in Guyana’s natural tropical rainforest
  • The tide turns for Panama’s mangroves

    by José A. Berdiales, Juliana Chavarria and Lourdes Lozano An ITTO project helps to conserve and reforest threatened mangroves on Panama’s Pacific coast
  • Market trends

    By Michael Adams Stark divergence of financial and real economy holds down tropical timber exports
Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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Latest editions

Issue 33 No. 2

Lighting the path to sustainable development

The latest edition of the Tropical Forest Update features articles on work by ITTO and others to support the sust...

Issue 33 No. 1

Science and technology: anchoring the drive for sustainable timber

Applying good science and technologies can help maintain social and political support for sustainable developme...

Issue 32 No. 3/4

Strengthening tropical timber supply chains

The latest edition of the Tropical Forest Update examines ITTO-supported efforts to increase the sust...

Issue 32 No. 2

Tropical forests: relief for a scorched Earth

As global temperatures soar and unprecedented heatwaves and wildfires hit countries around the world, ITTO is urg...


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