Tropical Forest Update

A legal matter

Cover image

Photo: SGS

One of the most serious obstacles to sustainable forest management (SFM) in many ITTO member countries is illegality in the extraction of forest resources and the trade of forest products. With the international community as close to consensus on the meaning of SFM as it is ever likely to be (all active SFM criteria-and-indicators processes now use the same seven thematic areas), attention has shifted to defining an equally contentious concept: the legality of forestry operations. This edition of the TFU examines this issue.


  • Thailand's mission

    Photo: M. Simula

    A ban on logging in natural forests, which has been in place since 1989, may inadvertently have contributed to a decline in the quality of forest administration in the country. But SFM is still possible

    By Markku Simula, Takeshi Akaha, Bipin Behari and Yam Malla

  • Partnership for good forest management

    Photo: IFT

    A joint initiative of researchers and timber industries in the Brazilian Amazon

    By J. Natalino M. Silva, Benno Pokorny, César Sabogal, J. Olegário P. de Carvalho and Johan Zweede

  • Tracking the wood

    Photo: J. Lounasvuori

    Many tropical countries need help to improve their timber-tracking systems

    By Jussi Lounasvuori and Sheikh Ibrahim Sheikh Ali

  • ITTO's recently funded projects

    The projects and pre-projects summarized below were financed at the 41st session of the International Tropical Timber Council

  • Market trends

    The TFU's regular look at tropical timber markets: bullish market in 2006

    By Jairo Castaño

  • Fellowship report

    ITTO Fellowship Programme: contributing to capacity-building in sustainable tropical forest management

    By Chisato Aoki

  • On the conference circuit

    Reports on the 41st Session of the International Tropical Timber Council, the 16th Meeting of Senior Fellowships Officers of the United Nations System and Host Country Agencies and an ITTO workshop on creating awareness in Africa on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) forestry projects

  • Meetings

    A comprehensive listing of coming conferences relevant to sustainable tropical forest management

Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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