Tropical Forest Update

Issue 18 No 4
Sustainable forest industries
Quantifying NTFPs
Photo: IUCN
An ITTO-sponsored project helps address the lack of information on non-timber forest products in Central Africa
Changing realities for tropical forest managers
Photo: W. Laurance
The tropical timber industry needs effective self-policing to maintain markets
Converting mahogany
Photo: J. Grogan
Peru’s efforts to monitor trade and contribute to sustainability of an endangered timber species
Systems for SFM
Photo: J. Carvalho
An ITTO-sponsored project has supported a public-private partnership to promote the adoption of good forest management practices in the Brazilian Amazon.
Getting more money for forests
Photo: H. Castro
(Conservation International)ITTO promotes responsible investment in tropical forests
Getting a better handle on forest products in India
Photo: J. Blaser
An ITTO-sponsored workshop starts a process aimed at improving India’s forest-sector statistics
Fellowship report
The development of a bamboo utilization tool for Ghana
Market Trends
Global economic slowdown hits tropical timber prices
Passing of a forester
Alf Leslie, friend of ITTO and eminent forester, passed away earlier this year

Full edition
The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.
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