Tropical Forest Update

Climate changing for tropical forests

This issue of TFU is published as substantial levels of assistance start to flow to some tropical countries through various climate-related initiatives. This is indeed a welcome development for these countries. As ITTO and others have pointed out for many years, it was always unrealistic to expect one (usually under-valued) resource – timber - to fund the bulk of the costs tropical countries incur to sustainably manage tropical forests and maintain the myriad benefits they provide.


  • Great expectations

    Photo: C. Chavez

    Why there are so few forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism

    By Carmenza Robledo and Hwan Ok Ma

  • By ITTO Secretariat

  • UN-REDD ready for action

    Photo: E. Muller

    $35 million partnership aims to build strategies for the sustainable management of tropical forests

    By Peter Holmgren

  • Fellowship Report

    Photo: A. Dhakal

    Tree growth performance in private plantations in Nepal’s central Terai region

    By Arun Dhakal

  • Recently Funded Projects

    These projects were financed at the Forty-fourth session of the International
    Tropical Timber Council, which was held November 3-8, 2008.

  • Market Trends

    Volatile markets wreak havoc on timber trade in first three quarters of 2008

    By Lauren Flejzor

  • Out on a limb

    Ambassador Hans Brattskar explains Norway’s international climate and forest initiative

    By Hans Brattskar

Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

Also available at 'Get 'Get
Latest editions

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Lighting the path to sustainable development

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Issue 33 No. 1

Science and technology: anchoring the drive for sustainable timber

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Strengthening tropical timber supply chains

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Tropical forests: relief for a scorched Earth

As global temperatures soar and unprecedented heatwaves and wildfires hit countries around the world, ITTO is urg...


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