Project Budget Balance

The following project may have been already completed. The financial information displayed is as of 2024-04-17 and the remaining funds may have been already returned.
SUN system ID SPP56342B
SUN system name PP-A/56-342B (JPNFA)
Project name PP-A/56-342B - Analysis of Timber Legality Assurance Systems and Good Practices in China, Myanmar and Viet Nam for Sustainable Timber Trade
SUN data's last update 04/17/2024
Pledge Receipt Arrear
Current Cash Available: $86,298.79

The displayed data is over 2 weeks old. Please contact the Division of Operations.

Component code Component name Budget Total expenses
01 Proj.Costs: Disbursement to EA $ -201,173.07 $ 84,060.93
04 Monitoring and Evaluation $ -12,760.96 $ 1,237.04
08 Programme Support $ -36,868.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
085 Project Audit Cost $ -6,999.18 $ 0.00 $ 1,000.82
Subtotal $ 344,100.00 $ -257,801.21 $ -257,801.00 $ 0.00 $ 86,298.79