ITTO side events at CBD COP 12

ITTO side events at CBD COP 12

Date & venue: 5-16 October, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea

October 13
“Achieving Forest-related Aichi Targets on the Ground: ITTO/CBD Collaborative Joint Initiative for Tropical Forest Biodiversity” 
Time: 13:15-14:45 hrs.
Venue: Room 2, Hall F, Alpensia Convention Centre

October 15
CITES and ITTO: Working together to sustain tropical tree species
Time: 18:15 to 19:45 hrs.
Venue: Room 1 – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus Room,  Hall G,  Alpensia Convention Center

October 16
ITTO-CITES joint side event

Further information on the ITTO side events at CBD COP 12, will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
