Informal Advisory Group

The IAG provides advise to the Tropical Timber Council. Photo: G. Sanchez-Vigil

The International Tropical Timber Council established the Informal Advisory Group (IAG) in 1997 (see Council Decision 3(XXII)) and later renewed its mandate through Decision 2 (XLIX) and Decision 2 (LI). The IAG comprises the Chair and Vice-chair of the Council, the four committee chairs, the spokespersons of the producer and consumer caucuses, a representative of Japan as the host country of the ITTO headquarters, and the Executive Director. Chaired by the Council Chair, the role of the IAG is to receive, generate, synthesize and provide advice to the Council on strategic priorities and policy options for ITTO. The IAG meets as deemed necessary but at least once a year before sessions of the Council. One of its key functions is to review draft decisions submitted for the consideration of the Council and to make recommendations on the potential decisions to be adopted at each Council session.