Tropical Forest Update

Tapping the potential of communities

Cover image

A rubber-tapper in the Antimary State Forest, Acre, Brazil.
Photo: R. Guevara/ITTO

For a week in July 2007, the Brazilian city of Rio Branco, in the heart
of the Amazon, became the community forestry capital of the world.
Participants from 40 countries came together to explore the emerging
phenomenon of community-based forest enterprises (CFEs)—dynamic, smallscale
businesses that are starting to tap the huge wealth of entrepreneurial talent
that exists in forest-dwelling Indigenous and local communities.


  • Background to the conference

    Photo: A. Martin

    - Key themes discussed
    - Contributions and constraints
    - Social organization
    - Economics of the community forest timber enterprise
    - Economics of non-timber forest products and services
    - Tenure, access rights and regulatory frameworks
    - Key barriers, constraints and solutions

  • The Rio Branco Declaration

    Photo: A. Sarre

    Statement issued by the International Conference of Community Forest Management and
    Community Forest Enterprises

    Rio Branco
    Acre, Brazil
    20 July 2007

Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

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