Expert workshop on sustainable management of afrormosia (Pericopsis elata)

Expert workshop on sustainable management of afrormosia (Pericopsis elata)

Date & venue: 2-4 April 2008,Kribi, Cameroon

ITTO and the CITES secretariat convened this regional workshop in Kribi, Cameroon to develop a participatory action plan to ensure that international trade in afrormosia (Pericopsis elata) is consistent with its sustainable management and conservation in Africa. Afrormosia is listed in CITES Appendix II and is used in furniture making, interior and exterior work, flooring and boat-building. The workshop involved over 30 participants from all the main range states in central and west Africa as well as importing countries. Representatives of NGOs, timber trade interests and international organizations also participated. The list of participants and agenda are available for download below.

The action plan agreed by the workshop included five thematic areas:

  • Building capacity of exporting and importing countries on implementation of CITES.
  • Building capacity of exporting and importing countries to manage P. elata sustainably.
  • Improving the ecological and silvicultural knowledge of P. elata
  • Promotion of support programmes for regeneration of P. elata
  • Governance and marketing issues relevant to P. elata

More details on the outputs expected under the action plan are contained in the final workshop declaration available for download below. The final report of the workshop will be posted here (in English and French) when it is available.

The workshop on afrormosia was an activity under a collaborative ITTO-CITES program for building capacity to implement CITES listings requirements for tropical timber species funded through ITTO by a large grant from the EU with additional funding from the USA, Japan and Norway


Dr. Steven Johnson
ITTO Secretariat Communications Unit
Tel: +81 45 223 1110
Fax: +81 45 223 1111