ITTO workshops to promote the exchange of experience at the regional level on the implementation of sustainable forest management through ITTO supported projects

ITTO workshops to promote the exchange of experience at the regional level on the implementation of sustainable forest management through ITTO supported projects

Date & venue: May - July 2007,Lomé, Togo / Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia / Medellin, Colombia

ITTO will organize three regional workshops in each ITTO tropical timber producing region to exchange experiences on the implementation of sustainable forest management (SFM) through ITTO supported projects, and activities such as the application of criteria and indicators (C&I) at the national and forest management unit (FMU) levels.

Up to 50 individuals will participate in each workshop, including ITTO focal points and executing agencies implementing ITTO projects focusing on SFM. Such projects will be selected taking into account the following priority areas:

  1. Policy development
  2. Reduced impact logging
  3. Forest Management/inventory
  4. Community participation in forest management
  5. Demonstration areas
  6. Forest Rehabilitation
  7. Plantation establishment
  8. Silviculture of natural forests

The workshop dates are as follows:

  1. Africa (Lomé, Togo): 29-31 May 2007
  2. Asia (Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia): 4-7 June 2007
  3. Latin America (Medellin, Colombia): 10-13 July 2007

Up to ten individuals from civil society, NGOs, forestry associations, etc are welcome to participate at their own cost as observers by registering with the respective contact person.


Dr Kouami Kokou (Togo)

Dr Agus Justianto (Indonesia)

Ms Nining, Ministry of Forestry (Indonesia)

Latin America
Heliodoro Sanchez (Colombia)