Tropical Forest Update

Strengthening diversity

Eleven years ago an article published in Scientific American sent shock waves through the tropical forestry community. Entitled Can Sustainable Management Save Tropical Forests?1, the article made a compelling case for the failure of sustainable forest management (sfm) in the tropics, primarily in terms of its inability to (up to that point in time) safeguard tropical forests’ immense biodiversity.


  • Updating the ITTO Biodiversity Guidelines


    ITTO and IUCN collaborate to produce new guidelines for conserving biodiversity in production forests

    By Jeffrey Sayer, Stewart Maginnis, and Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono

  • RIL for biodiversity and carbon conservation

    Photo: H. Matsubayashi

    Deramakot forest shows positive conservation impacts of reduced impact logging

    By Sam Mannan, Kanehiro Kitayama, Ying Fah Lee, Arthur Chung, Albert Radin, and Peter Lagan

  • Mapping Mbalmayo Forest

    Remote sensing helps with the management of Cameroonian forest reserve

    By Owana Ndongo, Pierre André, Régis Peltier, Béligné Vincent, and Ndjib Gilbert

  • Fellowship report

    ITTO Fellowship funds research on forest management impacts in Costa Rica

    By Beatriz Eugenia, Salgado-Negret, and Bryan Finegan

  • Recent Projects

    Funding for the projects and pre-projects announced by ITTO in June 2008.

  • Markets

    Photo: R. M. Keogh

    International pricing mechanism for plantation teak: a proposal to bring transparency to log markets

    By Raymond M. Keogh

  • Courses

    Short training courses for professionals in forestry and related disciplines

  • Meetings

    A comprehensive listing of coming conferences relevant to sustainable tropical forest management

Full edition

The ITTO Tropical Forest Update is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.
The French and Spanish editions are usually posted about one month after the English.

Also available at 'Get 'Get
Latest editions

Issue 33 No. 2

Lighting the path to sustainable development

The latest edition of the Tropical Forest Update features articles on work by ITTO and others to support the sust...

Issue 33 No. 1

Science and technology: anchoring the drive for sustainable timber

Applying good science and technologies can help maintain social and political support for sustainable developme...

Issue 32 No. 3/4

Strengthening tropical timber supply chains

The latest edition of the Tropical Forest Update examines ITTO-supported efforts to increase the sust...

Issue 32 No. 2

Tropical forests: relief for a scorched Earth

As global temperatures soar and unprecedented heatwaves and wildfires hit countries around the world, ITTO is urg...


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