Concept notes submitted by members for consideration of potential donors as per Decision 4(LVI)
Conducting Studies in relation with the Sustainable Management of Afzelia africana and Pterocarpus erinaceus in Benin
Strengthening the forestry sector value chain through sustainable forest management and utilization in Costa Rica
Strengthening best practice through continuous forest education across the tropical world: Alliance for Responsible Forest Management
Establishing a Pilot Plantation Forest Information Sharing and Wood Supply Chain Traceability System in Vietnam
Enhancing Stakeholders’ Capacity of Tropical Timber Producing Member Countries in Carbon Trading
Sustainable integrated management of non-timber forest products: Use and development of value-added products on a commercial scale from native bamboo (Guadua sp.)
Strengthening and consolidating the national process for controlling illegal logging and associated trade in Cameroon (Cameroon)
ITTO Projects, Pre-projects and Activities
ITTO projects, pre-projects and activities
List of all approved projects, pre-projects and activities requiring financing, including those approved in the most recent project cycle and those approved earlier and pending financing.
List of projects, pre-projects and activities pending finance - as 25 July 2024
Activities approved under BWP 2024-2025
ITTO Biennial Work Programme for 2024-2025
Projects and pre-projects approved and pending financing
PPD 203/23 Rev.1 (F)
PD 925/22 Rev.2 (F)
PD 808/16 Rev.5 (F) - Phase II
PD 905/19 Rev.3 (F) - Phase II
PD 912/20 Rev.3 (I) - Phase II
PD 712/13 Rev.3 (F)
PD 765/14 Rev.4 (F) - Phase II
Thematic Programmes
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (TFLET)
Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Environmental Services in Tropical Forests (REDDES)
Community Forest Management and Enterprises (CFME)
Trade and Market Transparency (TMT)
Industry Development and Efficiency (IDE)