Actualités des Forêts Tropicales

Special edition: Status of tropical forest management 2005

This special edition of the Tropical Forest Update summarizes Status of Tropical Forest Management 2005, a report by the International Tropical Timber Organization. It discusses the nature and asseses the reliability of available data; determines, as far as these data allow, the extent of the permanent forest estate in each ITTO producer member country; examines, for each country, the policy and institutional settings for the adoption of sustainable forest management; estimates the area of forest that is actually managed sustainably for production and protection; and discusses how the situation has changed since 1988, when the first survey was conducted, and the significance of these changes for the future. It finds that significant progress has been made towards the sustainable management of natural tropical forests, although the proportion of the total permanent forest estate under such management is still very low.

The full report can be obtained by contacting ITTO or by downloading it from the ITTO website.

Derniers numéros

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En savoir plus

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