Informations sur le projet/l’activité

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Numéro de projet/d'activité TFL-PD010/09 Rev.1 (M)
Agence d'exécution
ITTO: $474,163.00
TFLET $474,163.00
National counterpart: $81,000.00
Project total budget: $555,163.00
Timber legality and verification system (Sistim Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu - SVLK) is developed to provide legal assurance on timber products from Indonesia in order that Indonesian timber goods will be accepted by the international market. After a long process that involving multi-stakeholders on forestry sector since 2003, eventually on 12 June 2009 the Ministry of Forestry issued a ministerial decree on sustainable forest management and timber legality verification through the Minister of Forestry decree No. P.38/Menhut-II/2009 concerning Standard and Guidelines on Assessment and Performance of Sustainable Production Forest Management and Verification of Timber Legality that applied for state and private forests. Additionally, with regard to the standard, an assessment guidelines is stipulated under decree of the Director General of Production Forest Management No. P.6/VI-Set/2009.

For the next step, the capacity of relevant stakeholders and organization still need to be improved to implement the regulation effectively, especially for the community forest owned. In light of the importance in tackling the issues, the project will support the implementation of the new Indonesian TLAS for timber resource from community forest and community plantation forest in Java. As the top priority, the proposed project will focus on improving capacity for relevant stakeholders that will be achieved through dissemination of information on the new standard of TLAS for community and relevant stakeholders, development series of training and strengthening of the institution. This idea under the ITTO Thematic Programmes on Forest Law Enforcement and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Environment (TFLET).

The expected outputs of the project are: 1) Dissemination of information on the new standard of TLAS for community and relevant stakeholders conducted through workshop, focus discussion and seminar; 2) Institution for independent monitoring implementaion of TLAS for timber resource from community forest and community plantation forest is assessed; 3) Series training to introduce and implement the standard on assessment of performance of sustainable production forest management and verification of timber legality from community forest resource for license holder of community forest (HR) and community plantation forest (HTR) as well as local government officers and the small/medium wood processing industries.

Upon completion of the project, the capacities relevant parties/stakeholder in implementing TLAS had been improved. Trade volume of legal timber from sustainable community forest and community plantation forest will improve as well.

A long term effect of the project intervention is expected that local economy of forest dependent Communities in java increased and Illegal logging and illegal timber in Indonesia reduced.
En savoir plus
Project/Activity document
Completion report
Technical report(s)