Informations sur le projet/l’activité

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Numéro de projet/d'activité PD393/06 Rev.1 (F)
Agence d'exécution
ITTO: $165,335.00
JAPAN $115,335.00
USA $50,000.00
National counterpart: $52,531.00
Project total budget: $217,866.00
This project originates from the need to tackle malnutrition problem faced by communities, through the involvement of village young women’s groups in the implementation of particular reforestation activities combining a multiple nutrient-providing species with fast-growing timber species.

The objective of the project is a successful introduction, participatory promotion and widespread adoption of rural women group-based socio-economic reforestation know-how, using proven fast-growing precious timber species in conjunction with multiple nutrient-providing Moringa oleifera plant, for the benefit of disadvantaged indigenous forest dwelling people, especially young breast-feeeding women’s groups. The project has two following specific objectives: (1) the establishing and thriving of demonstration plantation made up of a minimum of 5 acres of Moringa oleifera and 10 acres of proven fast growing precious timber species, in each of the four targeted rural communities, owned and managed by the respective young mothers’ group; (2) the creation, through training, practical action and capacity building of efficient local and affordable networks for seeds for Moringa oleifera, as well as scientifically nurtured seedlings of fast-growing timber species.

Expected outputs are:
- demonstration plantation made up of a total of 20 acres of Moringa oleifera in separate stands, in four targeted rural communities, owned and managed by the respective young mothers’ group, established and thrived;
- demonstration plantation made up of a total of 40 acres of fast-growing precious timber species like Cedrella, Ofram, Wawa or Teak, in separate or mixed stands, in four targeted rural communities, owned and managed by the respective young mothers’ group, established and thrived; and
- through training, practical action and capacity building, efficient local and affordable networks for seeds for Moringa oleifera, as well as scientifically nurtured seedlings of fast-growing timber species like Cedrella, Ofram, Wawa and Teak, are created, based on agreed discussions and arrangements.
En savoir plus
Project/Activity document
Completion report