Statut Définitions
Data from the Joint Questionnaire sent by member countries to ITTO every year.
* Other unofficial data including country statistical reports, trade journals, ITTO project reports, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service reports.
C COMTRADE database (
E1 UNECE Superscript. Validated (supplied by official national correspondent and approved by secretariat analyst).
E2 UNECE Superscript. Official (from country, supplied by official national correspondent. Can be modified due to obvious errors [wrong units]).
E3 UNECE Superscript. Estimated-analyst (an educated estimate made by secretariat based upon knowledge and nonofficial sources).
E4 UNECE Superscript.Calculated, exclusively generated by Microsoft Access program for aggregates (both regional and product) and special calculations (e.g. consumption).
E5 UNECE Superscript. Repeated.
E6 UNECE Superscript. Not Published but counted in totals.
E7 UNECE Superscript. Provisional (a very rough estimate by secretariat).
E8 UNECE Superscript. Estimated-technical (an estimate based on technical validation rules to make the data fit).
E9 UNECE Superscript. National estimate (unofficial data provided by official source).
E10 UNECE Superscript. Aggregate estimate.
F FAOSTAT superscript. FAO official data.
F1 FAOSTAT superscript. Aggregate, may include official, semi-official or estimated data.
F2 FAOSTAT superscript. FAO estimate.
F3 FAOSTAT superscript. FAO unofficial figure.
F4 FAOSTAT superscript. FAO data repeated from previous year.
F5 FAOSTAT superscript. FAO data based on imputation methodology.
F6 FAOSTAT superscript. FAO estimated data using trading partners database.
G Global Trade Atlas (
I ITTO estimate.
R Figure rounded down to zero in the ITTO Biennial Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation.
TCF UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) Market Forescasts held every year in Geneva.
W Adjustment from weight (usually metric tons) to volume assuming the following factors (unless different conversion factors are reported): coniferous logs: 1.43m3/ton; non-coniferous tropical logs: 1.37m3/ton; non-coniferous non-tropical logs: 1.25m3/ton; coniferous sawnwood: 1.82m3/ton; non-coniferous sawnwood: 1.43m3/ton; veneer: 1.33m3/ton; plywood: 1.54m3/ton.
X Repeated data.