ITTO approves US$2,384,518.00 in project funding under TFLET and TMT

3 March 2014

Eight (8) new projects have been approved recently for immediate implementation under the ITTO Thematic Programmes on “Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade” (TFLET)* and “Trade and Market Transparency” (TMT)**, with a value of US$2,384,518.00 in ITTO funding. The new projects are:

  • Strengthening the capacity of local institutions to sustainably manage community forestry in Sanggau for improving livelihood (Indonesia);
  • Improving forest product monitoring and efficiency through the development of a program to enhance the performance of the primary forest processing industry (Guatemala);
  • Capacity-building programme to foster law enforcement and local governance over timber use and marketing activities in the Segou region, Mali;
  • Implementing a DNA timber tracking system in Indonesia (Australia);
  • Strengthening of ANAM’s management capacity to reduce illegal logging and trade in the eastern region of Panama (Bayano and Darien) through monitoring and control mechanisms;
  • Strengthening the governance of community forest through improved capacity to adequately perform timber administration in Java and Nusa Tenggara region in Indonesia;
  • Chain of custody verification for timber processors in Papua New Guinea; and
  • Enhancing the sustainable management and commercial utilization of the CITES-listed species Cedrela odorata (red cedar) in Guyana.

*TFLET Donors: Australia, Finland, Germany, Japan, Japan Lumber Importers Association, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA
**TMT Donors: European Union (through the ITTO-CITES program), Finland, Japan, Switzerland, USA
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