Eventos anteriores
6-8 August 2007,Bangkok, Thailand
- [en]Registration form()
- [en]Agenda()
- [en]Presentation 'New Investment Opportunities for Sustaining Tropical Forests' by Dr Josef Leitmann, World Bank()
- [en]Presentation 'Combining Public and Private Funds to Manage Tropical Forests in Thailand' by Mr Sittichai Ungphakorn, Thailand()
- [en]Presentation 'Using Private Sector Funds to Manage Tropical Forests in Thailand' by Mr Yongyutt Tangsirichit, Phoenix Pulp and Paper, Thailand()
- [en]Presentation 'Community Forestry in Indonesia' by Mr Billy Hindra, Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia()
- [en]Presentation 'IFC in Indonesia – Adding value along the furniture supply chain' by Mr Moray McLeish, IFC()
- [en]Presentation 'Private Sector Investment in Philippine Forestry' by Mr Roberto Oliva, Center for Environmental Law and Policy Advocacy()
- [en]Presentation 'Forest Industry Investment Profile for Myanmar' by Mr Aung Soe and Mr Maung Maung Pyone, Myanmar()
- [en]Presentation 'Valuing Tropical Forests' by Ms Maree Candish, NewForests()
- [en]Presentation 'ForestRe: Securing forest assets for institutions' by Mr Phil Cottle, ForestRe()
- [en]Presentation 'Futuro Forestal: Balancing nature and business' by Mr Andreas Eke, Futuro Forestal()
- [en]Presentation 'Investing in Communities: Why a private investor may be necessary to promote SFM in natural tropical forests' by Mr Sandy Sandoval, Harbagat Trading Corp.()
- [en]Presentation 'Investing in Communities: GEF's Small Grants Programme in Thailand' by Mr Poonsin Sreesangkom, Thailand GEF Small Grants Programme()
- [en]Presentation 'Investing in Communities: Why a private investor may be necessary to promote SFM in natural tropical forests' by Mr Sandy Sandoval, Harbagat Trading Corp.()
- [en]Presentation 'Investing in Community-Based Conservation: Cases of Wild Honey Bee and Cassava Projects in Tesso Nilo National Park, Sumatra' by Mr Zulfira Warta, WWF-Indonesia()
- [en]Presentation 'Generating Income from Community-Based Ecotourism in Thailand' by Dr Dachanee Emphandu, Kasetart University()
- [en]Presentation 'Greening Growth – Investing in forest environmental services' by Mr Rae Kwon Chung, UNESCAP()
- [en]Presentation 'Exploring Rewards for Environmental Services in Asia' by Dr Suyanto, ICRAF Southeast Asia()
- [en]Presentation 'SRI Investing in Asia and New Endowment Funds for Natural Tropical Forests' by Ms Sophie Le Clue, ADM Capital()
- [en]Presentation 'Global Forestry Services – Carbon Credit Support Programme' by Mr Michael Galante, GFS Malaysia()
- [en]Presentation 'Forest-Backed Securities – Alternative finance for tropical natural forests' by Mr Simon Petley, EnviroMarket()
- [en]Presentation ‘Forest-based Development and Investment Trends in the Asia-Pacific’by Dr. Simmathiri Appanah, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific()
- [en]Presentation ‘Generating Income from Conservation Parks in Sarawak, Malaysia’by Dr. Paul Chai, Malaysia()
- [en]Presentation ‘Forest Stewardship Council: Assessing risks and returns in natural forests’by Mr. James Sandom, on behalf of FSC()
16-20 July 2007,Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
27-29 de junio de 2007,San Pedro Sula, Honduras
7 de junio de 2007,La Haya, Países Bajos
- [en]Explotación y exportación de Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) en Camerún (presentación)()
- [en]Explotación y exportación de Pericopsis elata (Fabacea) en Camerún (ponencia)()
- [en]Ordenación forestal en Malasia con referencia al ramin (Gonystylus)()
- [en]Evaluación de las existencias comerciales y estrategia para el manejo sostenible de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla) en el Perú()
May - July 2007,Lomé, Togo / Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia / Medellin, Colombia
17-19 de mayo de 2007,Hannover, Alemania
En conjunción con LIGNA+ 2007
En conjunción con LIGNA+ 2007
- [en]El sector dendroenergético mundial: un panorama general()
- [en]Desafíos para la industria sostenible de maderas tropicales: utilización de residuos y desechos madereros()
- [en]Movilización de recursos madereros para productos y energía derivados de la madera: desafíos para la ordenación forestal sostenible – resultados de las reuniones de CEPE/FAO y FAO()
- [en]Políticas orientadas a mejorar la utilización de biomasa forestal y residuos madereros para la generación energética en la UE()
- [en]Tecnologías y aspectos económicos de la generación energética a partir de residuos de la explotación forestal y desechos de la industrialización de maderas()
- [en]Aumento de la eficiencia en la transformación de maderas tropicales y la utilización de residuos de fuentes sostenibles en Brasil()
- [en]El potencial del uso de residuos madereros para la generación de energía en Ghana()
- [en]De los residuos madereros a la dendroenergía – del desperdicio a la riqueza con especial referencia al caso de Malasia()
- [en]Créditos de carbono a partir de los proyectos de cambio de combustible del MDL para reemplazar el carbón en la generación eléctrica con biomasa del sector forestal: estudio de un caso en Anhui, China()
- [en]Dendroenergía a partir de actividades de forestación y reforestación: estudio de un caso de la industria de hierro y acero en el estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil()
- [en]Cogeneración eficiente de productos energéticos en la industria de pasta de madera()
- [en]Cogeneración energética a partir de la industria maderera: estudio de un caso de una planta dendroenergética de mediana escala (20 MW) en Piesteritz, Alemania()
- [en]Conclusiones y recomendaciones()
- [fr]Conclusiones y recomendaciones()
- [es]Conclusiones y recomendaciones()
- [en]Lista de participantes()
- [en]Programa de la conferencia(Word)
- [en]Equipo para la generación eléctrica a partir de biomasa forestal, residuos de la industria maderera y otros desechos de procesos bio-gen (generación de energía con biomasa)()
- [en]Fabricación de pellets con residuos madereros()
19-23 de marzo de 2007,Lima, Perú
9-11 de enero de 2007,Libreville, Gabón
23-24 de noviembre de 2006,Curitiba, Brasil
- [en]Conference program (Word)
- [en]List of participants (Excel)
- [en]Challenges for Responsible Investment in Sustainable Tropical Timber Operations()Markku Simula
- [po]Florestas Tropicais e Produtos de Maior Valor Agregado ()Murilo Granemann
- [po]Guavira Industrial e Agroforestal Ltda ()João Carlos Baldasso
- [po]Atração de Investimentos na Amazônia Brasileira () Evaristo Terezo
- [po]Alianzas para el Desarrollo Forestal Empresarial y Comunitario () Fabian Rodriguez
- [po]Instituto Brasileiro de Educação e Negocios Sustentaveis (PPT) Alejandra Martin
- [es]Perspectivas del Sector Forestal en America Latina y Mechanismos Financieros () Olman Serrano
- [es]Ley Forestal como Promotora del Desarrollo Forestal() Arturo Bowles
- [en]Investment Opportunities and Constraints() Klas Sander
- [en]Forestry Preparation for International Investors () Phil Cottle
- [en]Forest Investment Opportunities and Constraints: Perspectives from an Investment Holding () Roberto Waack
- [en]Iwokrama: Lessons in Sustainable Businesses () David Singh
- [en]Index for Forest Investment Attractiveness (IAIF): An Introduction () José Rente Nascimento
- [es]Índice de Atraccion a la Inversión Forestal (IAIF): Resultados 2006 para Mesoamerica y Caribe () Leo Guevara
- [es]IAIF 2004: América do Sul () Sergio Gustavo da Costa
- [po]Desenvolvimento Florestal Sustentável na Amazônia Brasileira () Carlos Ovidio Duarte Rocha
- [po]Serviços Ambientais na Amazônia: Valores, Beneficiários e Opções de Política() Ronaldo Seroa da Motta
- [en]Innovative Instruments: Payment for Environmental Services() Klas Sander
- [es]Logrando el Clima de Negocios Potencial para la Atracción de Inversiones Forestales() José Rente Nascimento
- [es]FONDEBOSQUE: Institución que promueve la Inversión en Desarrollo Forestal Sostenible en Perú () Enrique Toledo
- [es]Sector Forestal Prioridad Nacional en Ecuador() Richard Hall
- [es] Información Forestal en Venezuela() Luis Sulbaran
- [en]Conclusions and Recommendations ()
23-24 de noviembre de 2006,Curitiba, Brasil
3-6 de octubre de 2006,Ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
2-5 de octubre de 2006,Accra, Ghana
11-12 de julio de 2006,Londres, Reino Unido
26-27 de abril de 2006,Cancún, México
- [en]Programa(Word)
- [en]Lista de participantes(Excel)
- [en]Opportunities and Constraints to Investment: Natural Tropical Forest Industries()
- [en]Natural Tropical Forests: Opportunities and Constraints to Investment()
- [en]Opportunities Presented by Effective Forest Law and Governance()
- [en]Following up on Previous Forest Investment Forums()
- [en]Developing Sustainability()
- [en]Issues and Opportunities for Investment in Natural African Forests()
- [en]Conditions for Timber Processing in the Republic of Congo()
- [en]Small-Medium Forestry Enterprises - The 'Best Bet' for Reducing Poverty and Sustaining Forests?()
- [en]The Constraints for Small & Medium Sized Forest Enterprises in Guyana in the Context of Sustainable Forest Management()
- [en]Financing Sustainable Forestry in the Tropics: A Global Overview()
- [en]Forest Investment Attractiveness Index()
- [en]Export Credits, Illegality Risks and Sustainable Forest Management()
- [en]Tropical Forests for Institutional Investors()
- [en]IFC's Requirements for Investing in Tropical Natural Forests()
- [en]Financing Responsible Forest Management & Trade (RFMT) in Natural Tropical Forests: Working Examples from Latin America()
- [en]The Business Development Facility: Bringing the Value of Ecosystem Services to Forest Enterprises Bottom Line()
- [en]An Insurance Contribution to Sustainable Forestry Investment()
- [en]Creating a New Business Model for Forestry Investments()
- [en]Certification and Business Opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises in Brazil()
- [en]Payments for Ecosystem Services to Achieve Conservation and Development()
- [es]Servicios Ambientales Forestales()
- [en]Fostering Public-Private Investment Alliances for Forestry Communities in Central America and Mexico()
- [es]Perfil de Inversión Mexico()
- [en]Mexican Forestry Fund for Production Forestry: Cuernavaca Workshop, Next Steps()
- [en]An Outline of the Forest Situation and Investment Opportunities in Myanmar()
- [en]Guyana Country Investment Profile()
- [en]Trinidad and Tobago: Investment Opportunity Profile()
- [es]La Producción de Plantas Meristemáticas y la Implementatión de Proyectos Forestales, bajo la Modalidad de
- [en]Regional Forest Investment Forums: The Way Forward; A Possible Global Forest Situation by Year 2050()
- [en]Examples of Detailed Country Investment Profiles: Mexico, Myanmar, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Liberia()
22-24 March 2006,Phnom Penh, Cambodge
15-16 de febrero de 2006,Bogor, Indonesia
26-28 de septiembre de 2005,Beijing, China
27 de mayo de 2005,Sede de la OIMT, Yokohama, Japón
19-21 de abril de 2005,Berna, Suiza
- [en]Proceedings and Moderators' Summary()
- [en]Decision 10 (XXXIV)()
- [en]Programme of the Workshop()
- [en]Report on the Procedures of the Implementation of Phased Approaches to Certification in Tropical Timber Producing Countries [ITTC(XXXVII)/12]()
- [en]Report on the Financial Cost-Benefit Analysis of Forest Certification and Implementation of Phased Approaches [ITTC(XXXVII)/13]()
- [en]List of Participants()
- [en]Message of the Executive Director of the International Tropical Timber Organization()
- [en]Speech by the Chairman of the International Tropical Timber Council()
- [en]Speech by the Head of Trade Cooperation, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs()
- [en]Setting the Scene: Overview and Implementation of Phased Approaches()
- [en]Presentation by Interafrican Forest Industries Association()
- [en]Presentation by UK Timber Trade Federation()
- [en]Presentation by DLH Group()
- [en]Presentation by International Wood Products Association (IWPA)()
- [en]Presentation by UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs()
- [en]Presentation by Ministry of the Environment, Danish Forest and Nature Agency()
- [en]Presentation by ISAFOR()
- [en]Presentation by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)()
- [en]Presentation by PEFC Council()
- [en]Presentation by Cerflor/INMETRO()
- [en]Presentation by Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute (LEI)()
- [en]Presentation by Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC)()
- [en]Presentation by Tropical Forest Trust (TFT)()
- [en]Presentation by World Bank-WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use()
- [en]Presentation by FERN()
- [en]Presentation by WWF International()
- [en]Presentation by European Hardwood Federation (U.C.B.D.)()
- [en]Presentation by SGS()
- [en]Presentation by PAFC Gabon()
- [en]Presentation by ASEAN Secretariat()
- [en]Presentation by UNECE/FAO()
- [en]Presentation by Tropical Forest Dialogue (TFD)()
- [en]Composition of Working Groups()
- [en]Report of Working Group I()
- [en]Report of Working Group II()
- [en]Report of Working Group III()
- [en]Report of Working Group IV()
3-8 de abril de 2005,Petrópolis, Brasil
21-23 de septiembre de 2004,Universidad Nacional de Seúl, Seúl, República de Corea