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Número de proyecto/actividad PD419/06 Rev.3 (F)
Organismo ejecutor
ITTO: $912,764.00
JAPAN (MoFA) $912,764.00
National counterpart: $546,746.00
Project total budget: $1,459,510.00
This project proposal is the main outcome of the Pre-project PPD 65/02 Rev.1 (F): “Management and Conservation of Forests Seeds”. The pre-project had carried out surveys in order to assess the situation regarding the viability of a seed center and the cost-effectiveness of establishing a Forest Seed Center in Cote d’Ivoire.

Cote d'Ivoire has seen its forest devastated in the matter of a few years due to extensive agriculture development. To regenerate this forest has become an imperative for the country. One of the basic requirements to ensure the success of the reforestation efforts is the availability of the seeds of high quality. Since its creation in 1966, SODEFOR is facing this problem of availability of good quality seeds in sufficient quantity for its reforestation activities in Cote d’Ivoire.

The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the sustainable rehabilitation of Cote d’Ivoire’s forests by developing a seed supply system having the capacity to provide high-quality products to meet the needs of the national forest rehabilitation stakeholders. The specific objective is to produce and supply forest seeds from plant stock of high genetic quality.

The following outputs are expected:
? Two hundred forty-two hectares (242 ha) of new seed-producing plots are installed, one hundred seventy-four hectares (174 ha) of existing seed sources are developed and twenty-five hectares (25 ha) of seed-tree orchards are created;
? The infrastructure and equipment capacity for collecting, packaging, conserving, stocking, distributing, controlling and managing the forest seeds are reinforced; and
? The persons involved in forest seed production and management activities are trained in various areas regarding forest seed technology (seed collection, packaging, quality control, data management procedures).
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Project/Activity document
Completion report